2015 CNMI Wildlife Action Plan

The 2015 CNMI Wildlife Action Plan lays out a strategy for proactive conservation and management of the CNMI's fish and wildlife resources. Updated every 10 years, the 2015 plan was submitted to and approved by our granting agency partners at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
The Wildlife Action Plan (WAP) belongs to CNMI residents across all islands and reflects broad community input. It brings individuals as well as public and private organizations together to work towards shared conservation goals by identifying and recommending conservation actions that participants can implement that will also help them meet their own goals and needs. The Division of Fish and Wildlife's conservation efforts are guided by the WAP.
The WAP has three overarching goals for the ten-year life of the plan:
- Maintain fish and wildlife populations in sufficient abundance and distribution to meet the needs and values of the people of the CNMI, over the next ten years and beyond.
- Protect and manage habitats to meet the needs of fish and wildlife populations.
- Cultivate conservation commitment to ensure we have the necessary political, social, technical, and financial support to meet our population and habitat goals across all islands.
The 2015 CNMI Wildlife Action Plan is available for download. For more information on the plan, contact our Wildlife Section at (670) 664-6000.